Sunday, January 26, 2014


Q: I love to go places and explore but my mom loves to stay home how can I be me if i I'm unable 

A: i love to go places too and believe me I was in your shoes before so I started hanging with my aunt more because she loves to go places! But if you don't have anyone who's adventurist then asked your mom if you can go to little places and as you get older you get to go more places and take a traveling class in school and you can go all around the world


Thursday, January 23, 2014


Q: It's this boy I really like but he's flirtatious and flirts with every girl in the class.How can I get him to notice just me!!

A:I know it can be frustrating but he has to have girls that are his friends so yes he may be flirting but he probably don't even know it! And I here a lot of people say if he's flirtatious flirt with him so he can notice you even more and be on the look out cause he can be doing this to make you jealous so if he's flirting with them and you leave see if he still continues and see if he does certain things only to you and nobody else that can special!! I. You have any advice please leave in the comment box below!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Peer pressure

Q: My friends are already out drinking but I'm the only one who doesn't do it! Everyone else is 2 steps a head of me. Help!!!

A:Well I think it's good that you didn't start yet because I think your too young and always remember what's popular is not what's right and what right is not always whats popular! So I think it's good you didn't start and don't care if they start to call you name stay true to you!
If you have any advice please comment below!!!

Boy problems

Q:It's this boy in my class and I really like him but I don't know if he likes me we always talk and he's always staring at me! Help!!!!

A: If you like someone it's best to start looking for some hints! The first one check if he stares at you that a helpful sign that he likes you but don't stare back that will look creepy! The second thing is he'll flirt with you like tryin to do anything to make you laugh but don't get worked up if he do because he could just be flirtatious! The third one is he'll try any way to touch such as touching your shoulders, letting  your knees touch (if y'all sit next to each other) etc. So if any of this happen to you, you'll probably get asked out soon! But don't get your hopes up like I said he might be flirtatious! I hope this helps for you!!!
P.S. This stuff happens in a time process so so t rush it. If you have any advice please leave it in the comment box!!